
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

The cleanliness of washroom, sign of your tidiness” (Farhat, Lahore)

Ubqari Magazine - October 2016

First of all, attention towards every day cleaning of washroom is necessary. Once in every month, it’s compulsory to clean the flush and wash basin with bleach and finial. If possible then bring acid and pour inside the holes. If there is little bit space in washroom so there is no harm in keeping one small bucket of garbage or basket (dustbin).

Every part of house is required the attention of women and commonly care of all parts is done also, except washroom (Bathroom). Although the proof of any woman’s tidiness, is given by her in washroom only. Mostly it happens that whole house is kept as shining as mirror but if the survey of washroom is taken, mostly the smell and dirtiness do welcome. It seems like this portion is not a part of house. This attitude is not at all appropriate.

Come today we will tell you some ways of washroom cleaning. First of all, attention towards every day cleaning of washroom is necessary. Once in every month, it’s compulsory to clean the flush and wash basin with bleach and finial. If possible then bring acid and pour inside the holes. If there is little bit space in washroom so there is no harm in keeping one small bucket of garbage or basket (dustbin), but it’s every day cleaning is necessary. If possible, then wear a plastic shopper on your face.

The mirror above the washbasin shall also be washed once in a week. For keeping toothpaste, toothbrush and shampoo, if there is no rack, so chose any such rack which can hang on the wall with the help of nail. Such racks are mostly cheap and are easily available also. With this your washroom will seem like tidy.

The soap holder shall not be such in which the water could be filled and dissolve water and put water on your hard work. But it shall be only to keep the soap safe. That’s why chose very wisely. There are magnet soap holders present in market. With them, the soap remains on the wall. Neither it gets dissolved more than needed nor does it make the washroom sticky. Wash the bucket and donga also on every 2nd or 3rd day with washing powder necessarily. Otherwise, the algae will stick on it and make it much sticky which seems very ugly in watching and using.

If you can buy air freshener, so don’t let them finish from washroom. Otherwise, fill the empty bottles of perfumes and body sprays with water and keep them in washroom. The little bit of fragrance remaining in them will be beneficial for washroom. If the washroom is big, so a small bouquet of flowers shall also be kept in it. If you want then fill the empty bottles with water and put the branches of money plant. Otherwise, in any corners, keep a big vase of artificial flowers. With this a pleasant effect will produce. Whether the washroom is big or small, a window or chimney is necessary in it so that exit of air would be done. Outside the door of washroom, there should be one small rug or foot mat necessarily so that there won’t be marks of wet slippers in whole house and the water of washroom won’t come out. Although for the washroom usage, the separate shoes is very necessary. These shoes shall be kept on foot mat, so it’s better and it should be washed with time to time. Do remember much more beauty than lavishness and decoration is in simplicity and cleanliness. Your tidiness is reflected from your house kitchen or washroom only. So after today, washroom won’t be neglected, right!!!

For hard skin: Add one or two teaspoons of barley and thick crushed almonds in 10 grams of rose water. Mix and slowly rub on face. After sometime, wash it with luke warm water. The skin will become soft and smooth. To enhance the color: Add in lemon juice, equal amount of rose water and glycerin or honey and keep it. Do massage at night and wash face at morning. The color will be enhanced.

The itching ugly feet completely better:

Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sir Assalam-o-Alikum! I am continuously reading Ubqari from previous 5 years. What a matchless magazine it is. All the tips and acts present in it are really matchless and like arrow on target. We experienced a lot and told to people also. From which everyone got many benefits. I don’t have any experience of any household tip. Actually in nearly middle of month of Ramadan, on the upper side of my foot, there was intense kind of allergy. Don’t know it happened from wearing anyone else shoes or just like that. Actually such allergy was in feet of my mother also which was healed. But to me, it was more than a month that there was no itching. The feet looked so ugly that no shoes looked nice. Trust me, I applied many creams and medicines on it, during this but no difference was gained. Then I applied one gel on my foot (Acder man), of applying on face it was kept at home, with it my foot got better very quickly and gradually the marks are also getting finished. This cream, meaning gel, was recommended by the doctor for my face. Easy exercise for eyes: I wrote the exercise for eyes, once in Ubqari which elixir is in winters more. Therefore, I did it in winters, whenever eyes got tired so by doing it once or twice, I used to get peace and a lot of comfort is also gained by mind and I became fresh. May Allah grant you complete health and fitness. Exercise is this: Keep the head straight, the hardly pick up the eyes upwards, for some time, keep the eyes in same position. Then till where it is possible, do the eyes down. After the break of some time, stop and watch towards left side, till far away. For some time, keep on looking there. Then see in right side. After stopping like this for a moment, move towards all four sides. With this exercise, the eyes become bright and shiny after some days. The pain of tooth, finished in few moments: In the teeth of mother, there used to be pain most of the time. Therefore, above her mouth, in which area there was tooth ache, I wrote the word “Muhammad ﷺ“. At first, mother was dying with pain, but as I wrote, the pain of mother got as better as if it never happened. (J. C)

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